
Forus is planning a solar park in the Kajasuo area of Hamina

The power plant would generate approximately 55 gigawatt-hours of renewable electricity per year. This would be equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 25,000 apartment units.

Voimalan kaupallinen toiminta alkaa 2027-2029

General information

Forus Ltd is planning a solar power park in the Kajasuo area of Hamina. The project area covers approximately 59 hectares, with an estimated annual production of around 55 GWh from the solar power plant. The goal is to develop solar power in the most responsible manner. This involves continuous consideration of biodiversity and advancing carbon neutrality goals. The project's funding, technical planning, and construction are overseen by the Finnish project company of the Danish Better Energy. The company will also remain the owner of the power plant and be responsible for electricity production and sales.


Kajasuo is located in the northwest part of Hamina, near the border with Kotka.


  • A public meeting regarding the project was held on September 20, 2023, at 5:00 PM at the Metsäkylä Community Hall in Hamina (Metsäkyläntie 393, Hamina)

schedule for the project

  • A public meeting regarding the project was held on September 20, 2023, at 5:00 PM at the Metsäkylä Community Hall in Hamina (Metsäkyläntie 393, Hamina)
  • Soil investigations 2023
  • Ecological surveys 2023

News about project


Haminaan aiotaan rakentaa uusi aurinkovoimala


Haminaan rakennetaan uusi aurinkovoimala Kajasuolle – Hankkeesta järjestetään yleisötilaisuus syyskuussa


Forus Oy tiedottaa 2.8.2023: Haminaan ollaan perustamassa lähivuosina aurinkovoimala Kajasuon alueelle

Contact us!

Arto Ylönen

Project manager
+358 40 648 1388