
Forus has opened new doors and accelerated the development of Valmet's biorefinery project.

Valmet Oyj is a global corporation that provides technology, automation, and services to pulp, paper, and energy companies worldwide. The company's goal is to develop biorefining processes and enhance the efficient utilization of biomass-based raw materials. Nopeuttaakseen projektikehitystä, teknologian kaupallistamista ja markkinoille pääsyä, Valmet valitsi kumppanikseen Forus Oy:n. 

Speed, expertise, and resources for project development!

Hankekehitystä palveluna - ketterästi ja vaiheittain

Forus ja Valmet ovat käynnistäneet yhteistyönsä selkeästi vaiheistetulla mallilla, joka on tuonut projektiin rakennetta ja vauhdittanut sen etenemistä. Forus tarjoaa asiakkailleen hankekehitystä palveluna, jossa yhteistyö jaetaan selkeisiin vaiheiseen. Yhteistyön ensimmäinen vaihe Valmetin kanssa on jaettu edelleen sprinteiksi.

”Olemme huomanneet, että asiakkaamme arvostavat erityisesti kykyämme luoda rakenteita ja konkreettisia vaiheita, jotka tekevät monimutkaisista hankkeista hallittavia ja tuloksellisia. Sprinttiajattelu on tuonut kehitysprosessiin joustavuutta ja mahdollistanut nopean etenemisen Valmetin tarpeiden ja aikataulujen mukaisesti”says Tiina Landau, Business Director, Forus Oy.

”Olemme päässeet nopeasti liikkeelle ja löytäneet tehokkaan tavan edetä. Forusin sprinttimalli on tuonut kaivattua ketteryyttä, ja heidän valmiutensa mukautua meidän raameihimme on ollut ratkaisevaa”says Jussi Orhanen, Business Development Manager at Valmet Oyj.

Forusin asiantuntijat ovat selkeyttäneet rooleja ja vastuita, mikä on mahdollistanut riskien jakamisen ja vahvistanut osapuolien luottamusta. Yhteistyön alussa laadittiin tarkkaan suunniteltu sprinttimalli, joka varmistaa tehtävien oikean järjestyksen ja tehokkaan suorittamisen. Näin loimme vahvan perustan tulokselliselle yhteistyölle. 

Hankekehitystä palveluna - vaiheet

1. Tarvemääritys ja liiketoimintasuunnittelu

Asiakkaan ja ympäristön tarpeiden analysointi sekä kannattavuuden arviointi. Alustava suunnitelma kaupallisen demoprojektin toteutukselle, mukaan lukien lupaprosessi ja rahoitusrakenne.

2. Pilotti

Kaupallisen demoprojektin valmistelu investointipäätöstä varten, arvoketjun ja projektin kehittäminen, rahoituksen varmistaminen sekä tarvittavien kumppaneiden rekrytointi.

3. Skaalaus

We scale the business rapidly, with a local team, regulatory compliance, and grants. Tailored services to meet local needs.

+Vaihe 4, jossa skaalataan kansainvälisesti

Mitä olemme tehneet?

Sprint 1

  • Mapping of functions and roles
  • Business model concept
  • Financial modeling
  • Financing and bankability assessment
  • Capital table illustration
  • Rahoitus- ja tukimahdollisuudet
  • Raaka-aineiden ja sijaintien kartoitus

Sprint 2

  • Detailed business model
  • Taloudellinen mallinnuksen päivitys
  • Investor presentations for the concept
  • Feedstock analysis
  • Sijaintipaikkojen esikarsinta

Sprint 3

  • Identification of potential investors, outreach, and project presentation
  • Presentation of financing model and implementation setup alternatives based on received feedback
  • Evaluation and prioritization of locations

Concrete results: Biomass analysis and profitability models

Concrete results of the collaboration include, among others:

  • Biomass availability assessment: Forus on toteuttanut kattavan analyysin metsän biomassan saatavuudesta, mikä on tarjonnut tarkkaa ja luotettavaa tietoa raaka-aineiden hyödyntämismahdollisuuksista. Tämä tieto on ollut työn perusta ja kannustanut projektin jatkamiseen, sillä se on vahvistanut biomassan saatavuuden ja laitoksen kannattavuuden Suomessa tai Ruotsissa.

  • Site location assessments and development of profitability models: Forus has modeled cash flow, balance sheet, and income statement, as well as prepared investor materials to validate the project's commercial potential. 

  • Additionally, EU legislation and its criteria have been assessed, and potential funding opportunities have been explored, which Valmet can apply for. These actions have strengthened the project's credibility and supported decision-making.

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 14.16.18
Valmet R&D Center Tampere Messukylä

New opportunities for Valmet

Forus has leveraged its extensive networks and created new opportunities for Valmet through active sales efforts. Without this support, Valmet would not have achieved the same results. The impact has been particularly evident in discussions with investors and new collaboration opportunities with industrial companies interested in investing in Valmet’s technology.

The strengths of Forus' approach: drive, agility, and results-oriented focus

Valmet has found Forus to stand out from traditional consulting firms. Instead of merely providing advice, Forus has been fully committed to the project with a results-driven approach.

"Forus is not a traditional consultant. Their project development-focused approach has brought drive to the process and pleasantly surprised us. When needed, they provide a turbo boost—an extra push that accelerates the project forward quickly." - Jussi Orhanen

Forus' agility and quick responsiveness have enabled the achievement of concrete results without unnecessary delays. Their working principle is to get things done well enough and leverage the results quickly.

Long-term collaboration and future expectations

The collaboration with Forus has provided Valmet with more than a traditional consulting relationship. The Forus team has fully embraced the challenge, bringing long-term commitment that is reflected in tangible results. The team has remained the same from the start, enabling efficient work and steady progress toward set goals. A shared understanding of the project's different phases has ensured a smooth workflow.

"Unlike traditional consulting relationships, working with Forus has never felt like a 'taillight guarantee.' Everything that has been planned and agreed upon has been executed concretely. This same commitment continues into the future—they remain involved even after the invoice is paid, and we have a strong sense that they are genuinely doing this project with us."

Valmet anticipates that the collaboration will expand in the future to include the development of independent project portfolios in Finland and potentially in Sweden.

"Forus has been worth the investment. Their work has been professional, and the collaboration has been both enjoyable and results-driven. We look forward to seeing what the future holds." - Jussi Orhanen summarizes. 

Benefits of the collaboration for Valmet:

Faster project development - Forus' agile sprint model provided clarity and accelerated the project's progress.

Clarity in roles and responsibilities - The collaboration model clearly defined responsibilities and enabled risk-sharing.

Detailed biomass analysis - Provided reliable data on raw material availability and ensured the project's viability.

Site location assessments and profitability models - Cash flow, balance sheet, and income statement models were developed, along with an assessment of EU funding opportunities.

New financing and collaboration opportunities - Forus has leveraged its extensive networks and established new connections with investors and strategic partners.

Results-driven and agile approach - Forus brought drive and quick responsiveness to the project.

Long-term commitment - The collaboration will continue in the future without a "taillight guarantee."

Contact us!

Tiina Landau

Business Director
+358 40 5449 916 

Or leave us a message!

Skaalaamme ratkaisusi

Forus Oy is a Finnish company focused on combating climate change, developing and scaling profitable solutions.

We are one of Finland’s leading developers of solar energy projects and actively participate in bioenergy and carbon sequestration projects. The Forus team consists of top experts in their field, who drive projects forward through sales, permitting, and business development.

Our clients consist of venture capitalists, energy sector players, and cleantech companies with clear goals for advancing the green transition. We support them in areas such as the implementation of investment projects, permitting processes for climate initiatives and environmental businesses, and scaling their operations.


CarbonRun is a Canadian environmental company that restores the health of rivers by reducing their acidity and improving water quality using limestone. 

This method aims to sequester carbon dioxide in the oceans for the long term. CarbonRun combines the restoration of aquatic ecosystems with carbon removal by utilizing natural minerals.

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00130 Helsinki

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