Project development and scaling

Developing and scaling climate solutions

Do you want to accelerate the green transition, develop profitable climate projects, scale solutions and business quickly? Or do you need an experienced project developer or additional resources?  

We help businesses, investors, and industry leaders develop and scale climate solutions that are both impactful and financially viable.

We are more than a traditional consultant or investor. We work actively alongside our clients, sharing risks and driving projects to tangible outcomes. For us, climate impact is not just a goal, but the foundation of our business: we reinvest all profits into expanding our operations and increasing our climate impact.

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, but at the same time, it presents a huge opportunity to create new, sustainable businesses.

Need to accelerate project development?

We develop and scale ideas and business models quickly into implementation

We develop and implement impactful climate projects together with our clients, bringing ideas quickly to market. As project developers, we boldly engage in pioneering and innovative projects that promote both environmental and economic sustainability.

We have implemented several renewable energy and sustainable land-use projects that combine carbon sequestration and biodiversity protection. Additionally, we have promoted the utilization of industrial waste heat and commercialized solutions for carbon sequestration and biofuels.

The right partner for green transition trailblazers

We assist private equity investors, energy sector players, and cleantech companies in the execution of investment projects, permitting processes, and scaling of their businesses. We act as a link between different industries, needs, and experts, enabling agile and efficient solutions.

Our references

Carbon sequestration in rivers

The world's first international river liming partnership.


Project development for Valmet Oyj's biorefining project

Solar power

Development of a 2.5 GVA portfolio in Finland.

Real estate and energy consulting

Over 800 clients in Finland. 

Development and scaling of climate projects.

Our project development services cover the entire project lifecycle – from preliminary studies and planning to securing funding, implementation, and scaling.

Our strengths are based on the following factors:

In-depth expertise and references

We have experience with green projects across various sectors, including renewable energy production, circular economy, green technology development, and managing permitting processes.

Comprehensive project management

We take responsibility for all phases of the project, including preliminary studies, planning, and risk management, ensuring adherence to the schedule and budget.

Networks and relationships

Our extensive network and strong relationships with financial institutions, various industries, authorities, and technology providers accelerate project progress.

Risk management and responsibility

We anticipate and carefully manage project risks at various stages, ensuring a sustainable foundation and long-term value and returns for the projects.

Innovation and sustainable solutions

We develop innovative and climate-friendly solutions that enhance the profitability of projects and improve their climate impact. In all our operations, we emphasize sustainable development, economic viability, and significant environmental impact.

Knowledge of financing

We help clients identify the best financing options from both public and private sources, ensuring a strong financial foundation for their projects..

Quick access to new markets

We help our clients scale their business to new markets.

The ability to drive things forward quickly and successfully complete them!

Too many projects fail to materialize. It is crucial to combine different sectors, needs, and technologies into workable and fundable solutions.

Our approach and the phases of project development

Identifying needs and solutions

What are the needs of our client and the environment? An analysis of how the idea can be turned into a profitable business.

Business planning

 Drafting the preliminary plan for implementing a facility of the relevant size or a demo site, including the permitting process and preliminary financing structure.


Preparation of a commercial pilot project for the investment decision, development of the value chain and project, as well as securing financing.


We scale the business quickly. Local team, regulations & subsidies. Tailored services according to local needs. Cross-border scaling. 

Special forces of scaling

Our team consists of over 20 experts, as well as an experienced and reputable board of directors and advisory board. We do not act as consultants or venture capitalists; instead, we develop projects through genuine collaboration with our clients, sharing the risk of success.

Are you looking for a project developer or a potential partner for your project? Get in touch, and let's discuss your needs.

Contact us!

Eero Oksanen


Outi Iltanen
Executive Assistant
+358 40 564 1604

"Our cooperation with Forus has been splendid. I value their idealism and their ambition to protect the environment through their work. They are highly proactive, with excellent ability to find and create solutions. I'm confident that our partnership will continue.”

Denis Strandell, Mayor, City of Hanko

Yrityksemme on sitoutunut tarjoamaan huippuluokan hankekehityspalveluita. Tehtävämme on saada asioita aikaiseksi: nopeasti ja ketterästi. Yhdistämme syvällisen asiantuntemuksemme, kattavan verkostomme ja laajan kokemuksemme erilaisten ilmastohankkeiden toteutuksessa, ja tuemme asiakkaitamme projektien kaikissa vaiheissa – ideasta toteutukseen. Hankekehityksemme on suunnattu organisaatioille, jotka haluavat edistää kestävää kehitystä ja luoda samalla taloudellisesti kannattavia skaalattavia ratkaisuja.

Hankekehityksen vaiheet

Esiselvitykset ja analyysit

Projektin tarpeiden, tavoitteiden ja mahdollisuuksien arviointi.


Hankkeen tekninen ja taloudellinen suunnittelu, budjetointi ja aikataulutus.


Mahdollisten riskien tunnistaminen sekä  hallitseminen. Kannattavuuden arvioiminen.

Lupaprosessit ja sidosryhmätyö

Viranomaisluvat, ympäristövaikutusten arviointi sekä yhteistyö eri sidosryhmien kanssa.

Rahoituksen suunnittelu

Taloudellisten resurssien hankkiminen ja varmistaminen.


CarbonRun is a Canadian environmental company that restores the health of rivers by reducing their acidity and improving water quality using limestone. 

This method aims to sequester carbon dioxide in the oceans for the long term. CarbonRun combines the restoration of aquatic ecosystems with carbon removal by utilizing natural minerals.

Erottajankatu 5, 3. krs, 170-2.
00130 Helsinki

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