Forus has opened new doors and accelerated the development of Valmet's biorefinery project.
Valmet Oyj is a global corporation that provides technology, automation, and services to pulp, paper, and energy companies worldwide. The company's goal is to develop biorefining processes and enhance the efficient utilization of biomass-based raw materials. To accelerate project development, technology commercialization, and market entry, Valmet chose Forus Ltd. as its partner.
Speed, expertise, and resources for project development!
Project development as a service – agile and phased.
Forus and Valmet have initiated their collaboration with a clear and phased model. This has brought structure to the project and accelerated its progress. Forus offers its clients Project development as a service, where the collaboration is divided into manageable and concrete phases. The first phase with Valmet has been further broken down into agile sprints.
"Our clients particularly value our ability to create clear structures and concrete phases that make complex projects manageable and results-driven. The sprint mindset has brought flexibility to the development process and enabled rapid progress in line with Valmet's needs and timelines."says Tiina Landau, Business Director, Forus Oy.
"We have been able to get started quickly and have found an efficient way to move forward. Forus' sprint model has brought the agility we needed, and their willingness to adapt to our framework has been crucial."says Jussi Orhanen, Business Development Manager at Valmet Oyj.
Forus' experts have clarified roles and responsibilities, enabling risk-sharing and strengthening trust between the parties. The meticulously planned sprint model at the start of the collaboration ensures the proper sequence of tasks and efficient execution. This laid a solid foundation for a successful partnership.
Project development as a service – phases
1. Requirements definition and business planning
Asiakkaan ja ympäristön tarpeiden analysointi sekä kannattavuuden arviointi. Alustava suunnitelma kaupallisen demoprojektin toteutukselle, mukaan lukien lupaprosessi ja rahoitusrakenne.
2. Pilotti
Kaupallisen demoprojektin valmistelu investointipäätöstä varten, arvoketjun ja projektin kehittäminen, rahoituksen varmistaminen sekä tarvittavien kumppaneiden rekrytointi.
3. Skaalaus
We scale the business rapidly, with a local team, regulatory compliance, and grants. Tailored services to meet local needs.
+Vaihe 4, jossa skaalataan kansainvälisesti
What have we done?
Sprint 1
- Mapping of functions and roles
- Business model concept
- Financial modeling
- Financing and bankability assessment
- Capital table illustration
- Funding and support opportunities
- Mapping of feedstock and locations
Sprint 2
- Refinement of the business model
- Update of financial modeling
- Investor presentations for the concept
- Feedstock analysis
- Pre-screening of location sites
Sprint 3
- Identification of potential investors, outreach, and project presentation
- Presentation of financing model and implementation setup alternatives based on received feedback
- Evaluation and prioritization of locations
Concrete results: Biomass analysis and profitability models
Concrete results of the collaboration have included, among others:
Biomass availability assessment: Forus has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the availability of forest biomass, providing accurate and reliable information on the potential for utilizing raw materials. This data has been the foundation of the work and has encouraged the continuation of the project, as it has reinforced the availability of biomass and the profitability of the plant in Finland or Sweden.
Development of profitability models: Forus has modeled cash flow, balance sheet, and income statement, as well as prepared investor materials to validate the project's commercial potential.
Additionally, suitable locations for the plant have been assessed, along with EU legislation and its criteria, and potential subsidies have been explored., which Valmet can apply for. These actions have strengthened the project's credibility and supported decision-making.
New opportunities for Valmet
Forus has leveraged its extensive networks and created new opportunities for Valmet through active sales efforts. Without this support, Valmet would not have achieved the same results. The impact has been particularly evident in discussions with investors and new collaboration opportunities with industrial companies interested in investing in Valmet’s technology.
The strengths of Forus' approach: drive, agility, and results-oriented focus
Valmet has found Forus to stand out from traditional consulting firms. Instead of merely providing advice, Forus has been fully committed to the project with a results-driven approach.
"Forus is not a traditional consultant. Their project development-focused approach has brought drive to the process and pleasantly surprised us. When needed, they provide a turbo boost—an extra push that accelerates the project forward quickly." - Jussi Orhanen
Forus' agility and quick response have enabled the achievement of fast and tangible results. The principle of the work is to do things well enough and leverage the results quickly.
Long-term collaboration and future expectations
The collaboration with Forus has provided Valmet with more than just a traditional consulting relationship. Forus' team not only offers support but takes ownership of the challenges and commits long-term, which is reflected in tangible results. The same team from the beginning has enabled efficient work and progress in line with the objectives. A shared understanding of the different phases of the project has made the collaboration seamless.
"Unlike traditional consulting relationships, there has been no sense of a 'vanishing act' with Forus. Everything that was planned and agreed upon has been concretely implemented. They don’t disappear after the invoice, but are genuinely involved in the project throughout the entire journey. We feel like they are truly doing this together with us."
Valmet anticipates that the collaboration will expand in the future to include the development of independent project portfolios in Finland and potentially in Sweden.
"Forus has been worth the investment. Their work has been professional, and the collaboration has been both enjoyable and results-driven. We look forward to seeing what the future holds." - Jussi Orhanen summarizes.
Benefits of the collaboration for Valmet:
Faster project development - Forus' agile and phased model brought clarity and momentum to the project's progress.
Clarity in roles and responsibilities - The collaboration model clearly defined responsibilities and enabled risk-sharing.
Detailed biomass analysis - Provided reliable data on raw material availability and ensured the project's viability.
Site location assessments and profitability models - Cash flow, balance sheet, and income statements were developed, and EU subsidy opportunities were assessed. Additionally, suitable locations for the plant were evaluated.
New financing and collaboration opportunities - Forus has leveraged its extensive networks and established new connections with investors and strategic partners.
Results-driven and agile approach - Forus brought drive and quick responsiveness to the project.
Long-term commitment - The collaboration will continue in the future without a "taillight guarantee."
Contact us!

Tiina Landau
Business Director
+358 40 5449 916
Or leave us a message!
We scale your solution.
Forus Oy is a Finnish company focused on combating climate change, developing and scaling profitable solutions.
We are one of Finland’s leading developers of solar energy projects and actively participate in bioenergy and carbon sequestration projects. The Forus team consists of top experts in their field, who drive projects forward through sales, permitting, and business development.
Our clients consist of venture capitalists, energy sector players, and cleantech companies with clear goals for advancing the green transition. We support them in areas such as the implementation of investment projects, permitting processes for climate initiatives and environmental businesses, and scaling their operations.
CarbonRun is a Canadian environmental company that restores the health of rivers by reducing their acidity and improving water quality using limestone.
This method aims to sequester carbon dioxide in the oceans for the long term. CarbonRun combines the restoration of aquatic ecosystems with carbon removal by utilizing natural minerals.

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