Carbon sequestration in rivers
Carbon sequestration by improving the condition of rivers
The aim of the project is to achieve carbon sequestration by improving the condition of rivers. The project employs a method developed by CarbonRun, which involves enhancing the ecological state of rivers by liming them with alkaline limestone powder.
Through liming, carbon dioxide dissolved in river water is stored in the form of bicarbonates for thousands of years. Liming also has a positive effect on acidic rivers by raising the water's pH levels. This improves the condition of river ecosystems and coastal areas, enhancing the living conditions for fish, shellfish, and other aquatic species. The liming of acidic rivers has been safely and environmentally successfully carried out in Norway and Sweden since the 1980s.
The solution can achieve 10% of the carbon sequestration required to keep the global average temperature rise below 2°C by 2050.
ForRiver - Project introduction
ForRiver is a project by Forus Oy aimed at enhancing the ecological state of Finland's rivers and achieving carbon sequestration through river liming.
The world's rivers transport large amounts of organic and inorganic carbon to the oceans. A significant portion (1.9–2.3 PgC/year) of the dissolved inorganic carbon, however, does not remain in the water but is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, with only part of the carbon being stored in stable forms (e.g., bicarbonate) in the oceans. For this reason, the carbon dioxide concentration (pCO₂) in rivers is typically much higher than in the atmosphere. In Finland, rivers are in some areas highly acidified due to soil characteristics (especially acid sulfate soils) and human activities (e.g., agriculture and drainage).
Adding limestone (CaCO₃) to a river increases the alkalinity of acidic waters, enhancing the river's ability to transport carbon in stable forms rather than as carbon dioxide. The goal of adding limestone is to facilitate carbon sequestration by utilizing carbonate weathering reactions. Limestone introduced to river water chemically breaks down under the influence of water and carbon dioxide. The reaction produces calcium ions and bicarbonate as end products.
Adding limestone to river water neutralizes acidity and raises the water's pH. This improves living conditions for fish, supports ecosystems, and reduces the harmful effects of metals and heavy metals by promoting their binding and precipitation.
ForRiver combines climate change mitigation with sustainable business practices
The project leverages the technology of the Canadian company CarbonRun, which Forus is bringing to Finland. At the same time, we are supporting them in expanding their business to new markets, enabling effective solutions to reduce the acidification of water bodies.
CarbonRun measures how much carbon dioxide is sequestered in freshwater ecosystems as a result of liming and sells carbon credits to its customers. The customers pay compensation based on the amount of sequestered carbon, helping them balance their own carbon dioxide emissions.
The carbon emissions of freshwater ecosystems have not previously been considered in global carbon dioxide accounting.
Collaboration with CarbonRun
The ForRiver project utilizes the technology of the Canadian company CarbonRun, which is based on decades of research. The goal of the method is to reduce the acidity of water bodies, improve water quality, and enhance rivers' ability to sequester carbon dioxide long-term in the oceans.
CarbonRun uses natural limestone for the restoration of aquatic ecosystems and carbon sequestration, combining the restoration of ecological balance with climate change mitigation.
The partnership supports Forus Oy's strategy and the goal of providing sustainable climate solutions that combine ecosystem restoration and carbon sequestration in a practical and scalable way.
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Eero Oksanen
+358 50 562 8343
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We scale your solution.
Forus Oy is a Finnish company focused on combating climate change, developing and scaling profitable solutions.
We are one of Finland’s leading developers of solar energy projects and actively participate in bioenergy and carbon sequestration projects. The Forus team consists of top experts in their field, who drive projects forward through sales, permitting, and business development.
Our clients consist of venture capitalists, energy sector players, and cleantech companies with clear goals for advancing the green transition. We support them in areas such as the implementation of investment projects, permitting processes for climate initiatives and environmental businesses, and scaling their operations.
Hiilensidonta jokiin ja sen hankekehittäminen on osa strategiaamme, jolla rakennetaan kestävää tulevaisuutta innovatiivisilla ratkaisuilla.
CarbonRun is a Canadian environmental company that restores the health of rivers by reducing their acidity and improving water quality using limestone.
This method aims to sequester carbon dioxide in the oceans for the long term. CarbonRun combines the restoration of aquatic ecosystems with carbon removal by utilizing natural minerals.

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