
Forus is planning a portfolio of solar parks in Loppi and Tammela

The project consists of solar panel fields planned for Lakeasuo, Mullisuo, Turistonsuo, Siilisuo in Loppi, and Haukivahonsuo in Tammela. In total, the project area covers 412 hectares. The estimated capacity of the solar power plant is approximately 200 MWp.

The capacity of the power plant is expected to be approximately 200 MWp

General information

Forus Ltd operates as the project developer, and our goal is to develop solar power, taking into account biodiversity and promoting carbon neutrality objectives. The project's funding, technical planning, and construction are overseen by the Finnish project company of the Danish Better Energy. The company will also remain the owner of the power plant and be responsible for electricity production and sales.

According to the preliminary plan, the solar park will be connected to the national grid at a voltage level of 400 kV to the Vojakkala substation. Overhead lines will be drawn from Vojakkala to Haukivahonsuo and from the north side of Räyskälä main road's existing power line to Lakeasuo. In other areas, the connection will be made using underground cables.


Lakeasuo is located in the area between Vojakkala and Leppälampi. Mullisuo is situated along Rautakoskentie, to the east of Lakeasuo. Turistonsuo is located between Kaartlampi and Rautakoskentie. Siilisuo area is situated between Kaartjoki, Kurtlampi, and Kurjenkukkula. Haukivahonsuo is more detached from the other areas, northwest of Vojakkala along Highway 10.




  • Ecological surveys and soil investigations have been commissioned for the area.

schedule for the project

  • Permitting process started autumn 2023
  • Construction 2025-2027

All areas of the project are drained peatlands. The entire allocated project area will not be covered with panels; instead, efforts will be made to position the panel fields so that there is no direct line of sight from the fields to permanent or vacation residences in areas such as Kaartjoki or Leppälampi. Similarly, the goal is to minimize disturbances to the movement of animals and people in the areas.

News about project


Tanskalaisyhtiö haluaisi aurinkovoimaa suoalueelle Lopella. Aurinkopaneelit tulisivat Lopella enimmäkseen Lakeasuon alueelle.


Yleisötilaisuus: Tiistaina tietoa tarjolla Lopelle suunnitelluista aurinkovoimaloista

Contact us!

Mikael Marisa

Project manager
+358 40 8388 259