Building a carbon-neutral
future sustainably and profitably
Forus on myynti- ja rahoitusyhtiö, joka kehittää kannattavia ratkaisuja ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemiseksi. Viimeisen seitsemän vuoden aikana olemme olleet mukana rakentamassa ja kehittämässä 80 aurinkovoimalaa Suomessa.
Olemassa olomme tarkoitus on pysäyttää ilmastonmuutos kannattavasti skaalaamalla parempia ratkaisuja. Missiomme kumpuaa rakkaudestamme luontoa kohtaan: osinkojen sijasta sijoitamme kaiken voiton toimintamme vaikuttavuuden kasvattamiseen.
Asiantuntemuksemme keskittyy erityisesti hankkeisiin, jotka edistävät puhtaan energian ja raaka-aineiden tuotantoa, energiatehokkuutta, hiilensidontaa sekä kestävää maankäyttöä niin maalla kuin merellä.
Unelmamme on kehittyä vihreän siirtymän parhaiksi erikoisjoukoiksi!
Our approach
Identifying needs and solutions
What are the needs of our client and the environment? An analysis of how the idea can be turned into a profitable business.
Business planning
Drafting an initial plan for implementing a commercial demo project, including the permitting process and preliminary financing structure.
Preparing the commercial demo project for an investment decision, developing the value chain and project, and securing financing.
We scale the business rapidly, with a local team, regulatory compliance, and grants. Tailored services to meet local needs.
We develop and scale projects profitably, quickly, and efficiently
We scale ideas and business models quickly into implementation
We scale both our own and our clients' developed business models and ideas – independently or in close collaboration with our clients. Our goal is to implement concrete and impactful solutions quickly and agilely, leveraging the power of scaling to achieve better results. As project developers, we boldly take on pioneering and innovative projects that promote both environmental and economic sustainable development.
Partners to the pioneers of the green transition
Our clients consist of venture capitalists, energy sector players, and cleantech companies with clear goals for advancing the green transition. We support them in areas such as the implementation of investment projects, permitting processes for climate initiatives and environmental businesses, and scaling their operations.
Contact us!
Matti Jaskari
+358 40 069 4038
Southwest Finland
Mikael Marisa
+358 40 838 8259
Southeastern and Eastern Finland
Christian Kumpula
+358 50 306 6053